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Lyme Disease Awareness

As spring and summer approach, you may well spend more time outdoors, increasing the risk of tick bites and potential Lyme disease transmission. It is crucial to have awareness of Lyme disease symptoms and put preventative measures to support your loved ones. Swan Care Group Ltd promotes the awareness to mitigate the risk of tick bites and support their service users who may be vulnerable or those with compromised immune system.  

What is Lyme Disease?

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection transmitted through the bite of an infected tick. The UK is experiencing a rise in cases, likely due to climate change. 


  • Early Stage (3-36 days after bite):

    • Flu like symptoms 

    • Expanding. "bulls" - eye rash (may not appear in everyone)

  • Later Stage (if untreated)

    • Severe joint pain and swelling 

    • Nerve problems (numbness, pain)

    • Cognitive issues (memory, concentration)

    • Heart Problems 

Some people may develop long-term symptoms of Chronic Fatigue, known as post-infectious Lyme disease.


  • Swan Care Group Ltd advises service users and families to: 

    • Stay on paths and avoid long grass/overgrown areas in tick-infested zones (parks, gardens, woodlands)

    • Regularly check clothing and exposed skin for ticks and remove them promptly

    • Wear long sleeves and trousers tucked into socks when outdoors 

    • Use insect repellents containing DEET

    • Check themselves, children, and pets for ticks after outdoor activities, paying close attention to skin folds, armpits, groin, waistband, back of the neck and hairline


  • Early diagnosis is important treatment is usually with antibiotics 

  • Encourage your loved ones to seek medical attention if bitten by a tick and experience and any symptoms 


  • Not all ticks carry Lyme disease, but vigilance is essential 

  • Early detection and treatment lead to a full recovery in most cases

Additional resources

NHS: Lyme disease – NHS website: 


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